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PS2 Chronicles - Acquisition

Acquisition. March 23rd, 2849.


Karin Voight sat on top of a desk in an otherwise empty room on the top floor of a vacant building owned by New Conglomerate’s Woodland Laboratories. In front of her, Felix Cerrato, her bodyguard, nervously paced back and forth.

They’d been sitting in silence, waiting for a potential Vanu defector to arrive. That should have been seven minutes ago. Those seven minutes could mean anything.  While Voight seemed calm sitting atop the desk, watching the pacing with a lighthearted annoyance, the growing tension was clearly gnawing at Cerrato.

“He’s late. I don’t like this.”

“Relax, Felix. I don’t want you making him jumpy. If this is some sort of trap, we’re already in trouble. We just don’t know it yet.”

“Perfect. That’s great. You think that’s funny? The TR has been offing board members left and right. You think the personnel we got for this is going to stop a hit squad? ”

“Oh, calm down. You think I wouldn’t handle the due diligence here? Unless the Vanu are working with the TR - in which case you, me, and the rest of the NC are seriously screwed anyway - we’re not dealing with TR assassins. “

Felix pulled his sidearm and checked the magazine.  He did not seem convinced.

“You keep that weapon holstered, you hear me? If you screw this up I’m not going to take the heat, you’re on your own.”

“Whatever you say, Voight.”

“There you go! Whatever I say! I keep telling people you’re not as dumb as you look!”

Felix furrowed his brow at the woman, but said nothing. Voight only smiled in mock condescendence.

“See? It’s easier than you thought to just shut up and do what you’re told, right?”

“You want me to shoot you. It’s the only conclusion I can draw here.”

“Just avoid center mass and the face. I could use the time off.”

Voight’s communicator crackled to life, and the voice on the other end put a stop to their exchange.

“Ms. Voight, we have an individual matching the profile you provided entering the building. No obvious weaponry, but we can’t be sure he’s clean from this distance.”

“Finally,” she sighed, reaching for the communicator and activating it. “Keep your distance and let me know if he makes any deviations from our instructions.”

“Got it, boss.”

Karin motioned for Felix to take his position at the edge of the room. “That’s your cue to zip your lip and look mildly menacing.”

As he made his way across the room, Felix smiled. “Whatever you say, Voight.”

 “Aww, you learn so quick!”

“You be sure to note that in my next review.”

From Karin’s communicator, another update came in. “He’s in the lift, heading your way.”

“Roger that.”

Karin straightened her coat and walked toward the elevator doors. They opened as she approached, and a wiry middle-aged man sporting round eyeglasses and a completely shaven head stepped out into the room.

“Ms. Voight, I presume? I apologize for being late, I was held up much longer than I’d anticipated.”

 “No problem at all Mr. Gornan,” she said, shaking his hand. “Come, take a seat. The man over there is Felix, he’s here to help ensure our safety.”

“Of course, and please, under the circumstances, call me Sam,” he replied as they both took a seat across from each other at the desk. “I appreciate your willingness to work with me Ms. Voight, but I’d like to confirm specifics before divulging any additional information.”

“I understand. Let’s discuss terms.”

“First thing, I will need protection from the Vanu Sovereignty. If given the chance, they will destroy me for this betrayal. Along with the research, I can provide ongoing value to the NC. The data I’m prepared to hand over will be useful to you much more quickly if I help your people interpret what they are looking at.”

Assuming he was what he appeared, and Karin had no evidence to suggest anything to the contrary, Samuel Gornan would be a huge asset to the NC military research and development efforts. If she played this right, the trajectory of her career could change dramatically for the better.

“Based on your background I’d say that’s an understatement. If you’re willing to work with us, I’d be happy to bring you onboard as a consultant for me and my research team at a lucrative pay grade. I obviously can’t guarantee your safety any more than I can guarantee my own, but you’ll have the same safeguards in place as I do.”

“Fair enough. Under these circumstances that will have to be sufficient. Next, I need to verify that you are comfortable with the upfront number I asked for.”

“Well, Sam, that could be a sticking point. To put it in plain terms, the number you asked for is outrageous.  The New Conglomerate simply does not have a limitless budget.”

“You do understand the full potential of this technology, do you not? This will change everything.  The leadership of the VS find more interest in deciphering the culture of a dead alien race than the practical application of the alien technology. Their funding and people are spread thin across dozens of research projects. If the New Conglomerate focused its considerable resources, you could beat the Sovereignty to a functional system by months. The Terran Republic by years. With luck, that will be enough time to end this conflict.”

“That assumes the technology will ever be functional, there are those on the board that think you’re selling snake oil. I’m sure there is value in the information in what you’re willing to give us, but to be able to bring back the d…”

“I do not exaggerate the ramifications, Ms. Voight. The technology is inevitable. All I offer you is a chance to have it first. My price is a pittance for what I am willing to hand you. I’m sorry Ms. Voight, but I grow slightly concerned about the NC’s unwillingness to accommodate my fee.

 “So here’s the thing. We’re very intrigued by the data you offer - we want it. But keep this in mind; even if you have exactly what you say you do, even if we bring you on to help us understand and develop that data, we’ll have to dedicate enormous amounts of funding and resources to see it through.   With all the additional costs that come with this acquisition, my superiors are only comfortable with fifty percent of your asking price.”

“Insufficient. The TR will find a way to pay what I ask. Even if they don’t, the New Conglomerate will crumble. If the assassinations continue unabated, your corporate leadership will break.”

“Come on, Mr. Gornan. Do you really believe the TR will pay you for this information and not just take what they want from you? You go to the TR, and they’ll leave your body in a ditch, or worse, keep you alive in an interrogation cell for their scientists to question until your value to them is used up.”

“You gamble much on your opinion of the TR.”

“I’ll take my bet over yours. Sixty percent of your asking price. Take it and you walk out of here a rich man with NC backing and protection, working on what could be the most important scientific research humanity has ever embarked upon.  Leave it, and you can roll the dice. Our business will be concluded and you can see how far you get with the Terran Republic.”

Gornan shifted uncomfortably in his seat and pinched the bridge of his nose beneath his glasses. “Sixty-five percent.”

Karin smiled wide, and stuck her hand across the desk. “Done. Welcome to the New Conglomerate, Sam.”

Sam let out a small sigh, and some of his tension seemed to fall away as he took her hand and shook it.

“Let’s not waste more time on small talk, we’ll have plenty of time for that later. Felix here will show you downstairs into a safe transport where we can start to scrub your identity and handle the transfer of funds into your new account. You and I will meet again soon so you can give me a rundown on what we’re about to bite off.”

“Thank you Ms. Voight. I know you and your superiors will be satisfied.”

Felix led the defector towards the lift as Karin reached for her comm. link.

“Davis, you copy?”

“Yes, ma’am. What’s the word?”

Karin waited a moment, letting the two men get to the lift. As Felix and Gornan disappeared behind the lift doors, she responded.

“Have the snipers stand down. We got him.”

“Roger that, boss.”
