7/23/14 5:35 PM
You know them as Woodman and Miller or Ceres and Cobalt. Next weekend you will see them in a whole new light as hundreds of the most valiant warriors on each server take the field.
August 2nd: Ceres vs Cobalt a 1:00 PM PT (10:00 PM CET)
August 3rd: Woodman vs Miller at 11:00 AM PT (8:00 PM CET)
What is ServerSmash?
ServerSmash is a community organized event where participants from different servers meet in Planetside 2 to battle it out in games with a set number of players. ServerSmash is designed around massive coordinated forces and combined arms warfare spanning entire continents! It is Planetside the way Planetside is meant to be played!
Why Should I Watch?
A picture is worth a thousands words so this video should be worth a few million.
Mark your calendars and learn more at @PS2_ServerSmash and subscribe to /r/rServerSmash.